Good but PLEASE update
Ive been playing this for like six months but I still havent seen ONE update. Please add currency because whats the point of even HAVING money if it has no purpose. By the way, it gets REALLY addicting at first but then you delete it again and then download it again(that has happened to me like a million times). And I just really like the sushi and the soup but could you like add maybe drinks or dessert and can you Change the thing where when you put a blended thing into a dish it doesnt come in a chunk. If the code is too hard at least make it like a side or something because the chunk really bothers me. Sorry. And maybe like add friends or at least computer friends or like dress up and customize your own panda for like male and female and I would also really appreciate it if you add customizations for the restaurant. And change where every time you serve only TWO customers it becomes a different time of the day, maybe at least six. And you can add more characters certainly and let them rate the foods specifically. And you can put zen mode like the one right now and a timer mode for the racer, although I am not. For the sake of the possible best game ever, UPDATE!!!PLEASE IF YOU DO THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST GAME EVER DO YOU EVEN CHECK THE REVIEWS? Sorry if this is too long Ill add a short quick part two. Add maybe for the dishes, steak, burger, sandwich,pie, cake, or something. Characters, cat, dog,rabbit, lion, pig. Ingredients, Beef, chicken, cabbage, corn, banana... for customizations, maybe beginner, seaside, elegant, zoo, cozy -dating, and sky.
For drinks, soda, water, smoothie, shake, juice, and cocktails. Also maybe like make it so I can clean dishes like 1. Or else this is like too boring. I will add to this so dont forget to JUST UPDATE!!!
Wanqqqqqqq about
Dr. Panda Restaurant 2